The Catalan technological system

The Catalan technological system binded by the infrastructure that I've describer in the past chapter is a wireless brain machine interface. A wireless BMI.

It's very common, and this will be a real scandal, that this high technology system is a surrogate of the military one utilized by Spain forces. In the case of a legal criminal trial what State and military attach in them defenses is that some hacker could have forced the security of the state.

In radio, voice to skull service, the nobles families always threaten me to blame me, as I have been investigating this very serious abuse of citizens in Barcelona for more than three years. This is absurd, the technology utilized by those two noble families, and I don't want to publicly stress who are the military behind but it so simple, is very advanced.

I cannot do all of this with two SDR radio that doesn't transmit!

Wireless brain machine interface are public both in the university and research fields and military forces:

With this extreme advance technological monster nobles have created alpha test camp to develop with humans guineas pigs that don't receive any contract or any monthly fee. I really think that those experiments and development also military are done with pains also in beggars living on the street in Barcelona. With this technology they could receive monthly compensation and get out of poverty instead of being hostages to a crime closely related to the military world.

One of those two families, the one from Liguria, got military very strong roots. Very connected with Italian Navy. Francesca use this military technology to create slaves and use them in the black market. This is a scandal, an enormous scandal.

Please help Felipe VI king of Spain someone with military grade access to this network is torturing me and my ex girlfriend Saray. They are forcing her to report me for crimes that I have never committed behind there are two noble families and one is not even from your country. Help.

What function does this wireless brain machine interface? It's like the Unix command interpreter, the shell. It's the layer between the victim or the client of the remote neural monitoring network and the machines. It's what use modulation by the radio and antennas that transmit it's command and interpret our brain neural activity, better saying read and write our five senses. This network it's an artificial interference to them, injecting data and reading our electrical activity. If someone, like me, is a victim is nothing more that a human guinea pig. If I could take access analyzing the radio spectrum and reversing the wireless brain machine interface protocol I will be a normal client of the network. It's a long way of study but the owners of the facility always disturb my nights with tortures so I couldn't be at my 100%. It's difficult.

A joint venture between the University of Murcia and another from Waterford in Ireland, write this interesting work about brain machine interfaces:

This seems to be very interesting speaking about security of a device that theoretically have to be placed upon our head. This network use it in a remote way, this protocol is incredible but it's extremely dangerous because it can be hacked! An interesting point of view to find a little revenge with those criminals that put me under remote neural control in 2017.

"Uomo avvisato mezzo salvato"

"Perchè signori si nasce, non si diventa"--Antonio de Curtis