Hello here I'm Riccardo Giuntoli writing from Barcelona, Spain. I'm victim of electronic torture and slavery in the same infrastructure used to control and exploitation of people from third world. The infrastructure is military and the last mile is ELF and wireless brain machine interface. Behind nobles with military components corrupted that give access to operators masked behind hacking. In this infrastructure they enslave people, do drugs management and tortures. It's what is known as Spectram and all the European target individual program is connected to this. People are used like human guinea pigs to develop military and neuro science applications. I know all the orgamigram and physical infrastructure related. Please contact me and read about: http://telecomlobby.com/ http://telecomlobby.com/RNMnetwork/ES/catalan_radio_infrastructure.htm http://telecomlobby.com/RNMnetwork/ES/catalan_technological_system.htm https://porcausa.org/spectram/es/ Nice regards, RG